Astrological Chart

Your Astrological Birth Blueprint

& Intuitive Insights

What does your Astrology chart tell you? 

Astrology is a language, art and is considered to be the world's oldest celestial science. A science that studies the relationship between cycles of celestial bodies and the affairs of people on earth. Each persons chart is calculated by exact time, date, and place of birth. This makes up your birth chart.  Your specific astrological "blueprint."

What your chart will include

> A hard copy of your personal chart (up to 25 pages)

 > A 1.5 hour in-person or Skype session

> Downloadable files and information


Refund Policy and Disclaimer: Due to the nature of this service, there will be no refunds. Each individuals chart is subject to your own interpretation, life path and current perspective. Karla inputs your birth information which calculates your birth chart. Any other interpretation on her part is pulled from within her intuitive perspective. This portion of your Astrological Chart is not calculated data.